ADHD Options

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has a profound effect on the lives of an increasing number of children and their families. This chronic condition begins in childhood and often continues to impact a person throughout their adult years. The constant inability of a person suffering from ADHD to pay attention and control their impulses can be incredibly distressing and disruptive.

Due to the complexity of this issue, it is not always easy for medical professionals to make a diagnosis, and it can be a challenge for loved ones to find a treatment they feel confident about. This article covers the most common symptoms of ADHD and the available treatment options. It is aimed at helping parents and all those concerned make informed and effective choices.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Medford Chiropractic


Children today are under far more stress and pressure from social and environmental factors than they were even a few years ago. As a result, parents, teachers, and caregivers are seeing an increase in behaviors that are difficult to manage, such as hyperactivity and emotional outbursts. If your child is displaying a number of the symptoms listed below and has been for at least 6 months, then they may be suffering from ADHD.

Common Signs of ADHD:

  • An inability to concentrate or stay in one place for long periods of time

  • Acting impulsively with an inability to wait their turn, allow others to speak, or to think before acting out

  • An inability to sit for long periods of time

  • Fidgeting with their hands or feet

  • An inability to remain quiet for long periods of time

  • Preoccupied with other activities and noises instead of the task at hand

  • A tendency to talk more than others around them

  • Regularly losing things and an inability to complete assigned tasks

  • Disorganized

What are the Options for Treating ADHD?

Although the exact cause of ADHD may vary among individuals, it is commonly understood that the symptoms are caused by an imbalance in nervous system functions. Effective treatments aim to correct imbalances and restore the nervous system to a healthy state. Let's go over some of the available options for treatment.

Conventional Treatments

The medical system has traditionally turned to medication to deal with ADHD. The conventional approach of using powerful psychotropic drugs, such as Ritalin and Adderall, works to manage some of the symptoms, but there are often negative side effects and long-term health impacts of using these drugs. 

Alternative Treatments

Alternative treatments that can help to restore the nervous system to a more functional state. Nutritional Science has come a long way in the last decade, and many people are finding that an increase in nutrient-rich natural foods, and the removal of common allergens, such as gluten, bring relief to children suffering from ADHD.

Misalignments in the spine are another major factor in nervous system health. A pediatric chiropractor is skilled in working with children to gently re-position the vertebrae, restoring nervous system health, and tackling ADHD at its source.

If you would like more information about the services offered at Borealis Wellness Clinic please call our team today.