
Pam Runge C.S.T.

I am a retired Respiratory Therapist who has transitioned into natural healing modalities and currently practice Reiki, Qigong and Craniosacral Therapy.

Craniosacral Therapy got its start in the field of Osteopathy, it is a gentle, holistic, hands-on treatment that follows the subtle energetic movement of the cerebral spinal fluid through the spinal fascia and cranial bones. I use light touch contacts to facilitate the release of the fixations or blocked energy pathways.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy-based healing modality that focuses on hand placement over specific points on or above the body similar to Qigong. It is used to encourage and promote physical and emotional healing.

Qigong is a Chinese styled healing technique that focuses on moving the body’s energy or Qi by contacting specific acupressure points to eliminate blockages along the body’s meridians and restoring the natural energy flow.