
Samuel Klinner D.C.

My first experience with Chiropractic was at this very clinic. I was injured while snowboarding and very much in pain, I was also nervous about what was going to happen. I was skeptical about whether or not Chiropractic could even help; little did I know it would change my life forever. Now I am a Doctor at this very clinic, and I have the good fortune of changing other people’s lives every day!

After my first experience with Chiropractic, I was amazed at the changes it made. I ended up talking with Dr. Tessendorf about how he had gotten involved in Chiropractic. He encouraged me to look into it; I began to shadow other Chiropractors, as well as Physical Therapists and Medical Doctors. After running the gamut of care providers, I decided to change majors and pursue a career in the health sciences.

Through my scholastic coursework, I learned a great deal about how we as humans function; anatomy and physiology are intimately related. Chiropractic was the only profession that seemed to really embrace this relationship. My decision was made, and here I am! I truly love what I do and how much it can help people when they allow themselves to give it a try. We humans are so lucky to have such amazing bodies, capable of performing amazing feats and healing all on our own.

A Little About Me

Outside of the clinic I enjoy outdoor recreation, I spend my leisure time hunting, fishing, backpacking, biking and kayaking. I make it a point to ‘play’ as much as I can. I have made it a priority to enjoy my time off as much as my time on the job. Work to live, don’t live to work or you’ll have problems.

Healthy Habits

No one is perfect. Not Olympic athletes, not your parents, not doctors. Everyone does things they shouldn’t do in regards to their health and I am no exception. I do, however, try to lead by example as often as I can.

Eating right and exercising are funny things because they mean different things to different people. Eating like your parents did might not be right for you. Your parents now have diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and no fashion sense. Your great-great-great grandparents probably had the right idea though, they ate their veggies!!!

Vegetables and fruits are good for you. Organic fruits and veggies are even better! Eat them! Eat them in a box. Eat them with a fox. Eat them on the rocks!!!

Consistent exercise is an amazing thing too. Our bodies CRAVE it. It helps to raise our metabolism, lowers our stress levels, boosts our confidence, increases our intelligence and allows us to wear the trendiest work-out clothes. DO IT!!! The American Medical Association recommends that the average adult get 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise each week. That is 30 minutes each day. I am no rocket surgeon, but I think we could stand to do a bit more than that!

I Look Forward to Meeting You

You must be suffering eye-strain by now? If you’ve gotten this far, I applaud you. You have learned a little about me and what I think, but what do you think? What inspires you? How will you take charge of your health and wellness? How can I help?

At Borealis Wellness Clinic LLC, we treat patients, not disease; this allows our patients to make the crucial decisions in their own healthcare. We may make suggestions along the way, but ultimately it is up to you to make the lifestyle changes necessary to get the results you deserve. We’ll just try our best to push you in the right direction! Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

Yours in health,

Dr. Klinner